Condong Public School

Citizenship Perserverance Sincerity

Telephone02 6672 2390

About our school

The school's purpose is to provide appropriate quality teaching and learning opportunities that will assist students to achieve their full potential in the areas of intellectual, social, emotional, physical and spiritual development.

Our dedicated and experienced teachers effectively implement a full and challenging curriculum. Teachers hold high expectations for all students and the school seeks to ensure that students and parents have a clear understanding of the students' basic skills and what is required to advance to the next stage of learning. This is indicated on written reports twice a year, discussions with students and at parent interview opportunities which are offered throughout the year. Our school is committed to providing a caring, supportive and safe environment based on mutual respect and tolerance. The school's welfare and discipline policies are designed to make students responsible for their own behaviour. A strong partnership between the school and home is valued and fostered by the school.

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